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Promoting Resonance and Synergy with the Asian Area Study for the Advancement of the Hybrid Peacebuilding Theory

Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Enhancement of Joint International Research)

Research outline / Purpose

・Research period: 2017-2022 (extended due to COVID-19)
・Allocation amount: 14,430,000 yen (direct cost: 11,100,000 yen, indirect cost: 3,330,000 yen)

This research is based on “Research on the relevance and usefulness of hybrid peacebuilding in Asia: the fusion of stage-building and community-building”. “Establishment of Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Governance in Southeast Asia and Border Regions” (Principal Investigator: Mitsuru Yamada) and “Post-Conflict State Building and Security Sector Reform” (Principal Investigator: Hiromi Fujishige) were also used as the basis for this research. The purpose of this research is to constructively integrate the research results of two related subjects and to present them to the world. This research will be conducted with overseas co-researchers and the results will be situated in international scholarly discussions.


In the basic research, we studied the relevance and effectiveness of hybrid peacebuilding that respects the values  and culture of local communities while fusing them with the Western values  and systems brought in by the international community. Focusing on Asian conflict areas (Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Aceh, Mindanao, Sri Lanka, Nepal) where previous research has been inadequate, this project sought to fill in the gap that existed in the interaction between the Western stage-building led by the international community and the endogenous community-building rooted in the values and culture of the local society. In particular two thematic areas, the democratization (democratic governance/democratic elections) and stabilization (security sector reform), were examined.


In this research, we continued to focus on these two points, leading the debate on hybrid peacebuilding in the field of Asian area studies and aimed at establishing Asian perspectives in the international scholarly literature on peacebuilding led by the West, thereby connecting the two and promoting exchange and dialogue of the two approaches.

Research Outcome


Operationalisation of Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia: From Theory to Practice

Yuji Uesugi, Anna Deekeling, Sophie Shiori Umeyama, Lawrence McDonald-Colbert (Part: co-editor)
Palgrave Macmillan  2021  [Refereed]


UN Governance: Peace and Human Security in Cambodia and Timor-Leste

Brendan Howe, Sorpong Peou, Yuji Uesugi (Part: co-author)
2021 ISBN: 9783030545727

Hybrid Peacebuilding in Asia

UESUGI Yuji (Part: Editor, Chapter 1 Introduction; Chapter 3 A Typology of Mid-Space Local Bridge-Builders)
Palgrave Macmillan 2020 ISBN: 9783030188658  [Refereed]

Japan’s Peacekeeping at a Crossroads

Hiromi Nagata Fujishige, Yuji Uesugi, Tomoaki Honda
Palgrave Macmillan 2022


Research Outcome

Book Chapter

Irregular forces in Timor-Leste

Pathways for Irregular Forces in Southeast Asia

2022 Routledge


Controlling Violence by the Dominant Coalition: A Comparative Study of the Philippines (Mindanao) and Myanmar

Alternative Perspectives on Peacebuilding pp. 187–209

2022 Palgrave Macmillan


Chapter 2: The Function of the Dominant Coalition in Controlling Violence in Timor-Leste

Achieving Sustaining Peace through Preventive Diplomacy, pp. 27-54

2021World Scientific

Chapter 4 Platforms for Dialogue and Hybrid Facilitators in the Bangsamoro Peace Process

Complex Emergencies Complex Emergencies and Humanitarian Response, pp. 65-86

Union Press


Research Outcome


Reconstructing the International Peace Architecture in the Asian Century

Yuji Uesugi, Oliver P. Richmond

Global Society 35 ( 4 ) 419 - 434  2021.10  [Refereed]

Authorship:Lead author


The Western International Peace Architecture and the Emergence of the Eastphalian Peace

Yuji Uesugi, Oliver P. Richmond

Global Society 1 - 21  2021.06  [Refereed]

Authorship:Lead author


Evaluating Security Sector Reform in Timor-Leste: The Triad Hybridity Nexuses

Yuji Uesugi

Asian Journal of Peacebuilding   9 ( 1 ) 111 - 138  2021.05

Authorship:Corresponding author


Trajectories of Twenty Years of State-building in Timor-Leste: Introduction to the Special Issue

Yuji Uesugi

Asian Journal of Peacebuilding   9 ( 1 ) 1 - 17  2021.05


Research Outcome

Journal Special Edition

Special Issue: Trajectories of Twenty Years of State-building in Timor-Leste

Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 9 (1) 2021.05


Reconstructing the International Peace Architecture in the Asian Century

Global Society, Volume 35, Issue 4 (2021)


Research Outcome

Japanese Book and Paper


上杉 勇司(担当: 共編者)

ナカニシヤ出版  2019年03月 ISBN: 9784779513763


上杉 勇司

国際安全保障 第45巻第2号


Professor, Waseda University


03-3202-5386 (Direct / 研究室直通)

© Yuji Uesugi / 上杉勇司

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